Tuesday, June 23, 2009

We all must do a better job of understanding that....

we don't know everything about everyone's life. How many times have I said to myself or someone else - "I can't believe they made that decision or did that - I can't believe they treated me like that or said that to me."

Things are most of the times not as they appear. I'm the worst about doing this. I will self profess that I think that I'm a pretty good judge of character but not so good at reading behind the scenes stuff and trying to let things go knowing that motives for doing or saying things aren't all that they appear to be.

If someone says something not-so-nice to you, do you assume they're a bad person? If someone gives you a bad attitude at work or over the phone, do you assume they're always like that? Someone cuts you off on the highway, do you assume they meant to?

Although I'm sure there are times when people are just doing these type things on purpose, I would have to say that most of time there are reasons beyond our knowledge that provoke these "bad" behaviors in people.

Whether people didn't get enough sleep, having some issue at home, job concerns, bad phone call, health issues, or just a bad day where things weren't going as anticipated - all these things go unbeknownst to the outside world but certainly may affect the attitude, actions, and words of people.

So, let's do a better job of trying to understand that we may not know exactly what provokes attitudes, actions and decisions of others because we're rightly not supposed to. Therefore, we have no reason to pass judgement on them because we do not know the context of their attitude, action, or decision.

(I'll be re-reading this one a lot!)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Job Recruiters....

If no one has been looking for a job recently or ever, you might not know much about job recruiters (aka headhunters). Well, if you don't know I've been looking for a job now for a few months, if not longer, and I've called on these headhunters and been called by these headhunters to get in their "network" of candidates.

This is how it works. Hiring Company: Most companies have HR departments that are responsible for facilitating the hiring of new employees. Since most companies are usually not in "full" hiring mode, they don't have huge HR departments because they can use their money in other ways rather than on large HR departments who have a lot of downtime in between hiring spikes. Due to the smaller HR departments, most companies will acquire the services of a recruiting firm (Robert Half, Winter Wyman, etc.) to supplement the HR departments. The HR departments along with the hiring managers will usually work along side each other with the recruiting firm. Most of the recruiting firms are hired without an up-front fee. These firms are usually paid on a percentage basis based on the amount of salary the hiring company is going to pay the new employee. For example: The hiring company is going to pay the new hire $100K. The recruiting firm will get 20% ($20K) as payment from the hiring company for finding a person to fill the position. Most recruiting firms have higher percentages - more in the high 20's. Most individual recruiters at these firms will then get commission from the $20K payout; although there are some recruiting firms whose recruiters are salaried not commissioned.

Companies I've worked for sometimes have multiple recruiting firms working for them in order to obtain the best coverage of qualified candidates.

Potential New Hire (me): For the candidate who is looking for a job, working with a headhunter can be a good thing or a bad thing. First off, they don't work for you. They work for the companies who are going to pay them. Now, the recruiters do have a vested interest in presenting the best candidates to the company. So if you're a good fit for the job and you present well then you're sort of a team; they're counting on you to interview well so they're candidate can get the job and they get paid and the candidate gets a new job. However, if you don't exactly fit what the company is looking for - there is nothing keeping them from not presenting you to the company in lieu of another person who is better qualified in their opinion. For the candidate this might not be so good. It's possible the employer is open to more than what's what the job description says - meaning an employee states they desire a CPA. Ok, if the recruiter is worth his salt, he or she is going to ask "why?", because there are many very qualified candidates for the job who don't have CPA's and candidates who have CPA's who aren't qualified to do the actual work. Some recruiters don't ask that question leaving qualified candidates hung out to dry by not presenting their resumes.

There are ones I've worked well with in the past and who have been good to me (to my limited knowledge), and there have been some who I wouldn't work with again. In my opinion, the ones who are good are the ones who are unbiased, objective and those who match not only qualifications but personality. Also, recruiters who aren't just looking for the "payday." It's totally understandable that recruiters want to get paid. However, if a recruiter is just throwing resumes at an employer without regard for the right fit then it's more than likely going to frustrate the employer and waste their time (no employer likes that). Also, from the candidates standpoint, it's a waste of his or her time to go on interviews that have little or no chance of materializing.

So, may be I've left something out (probably the recruiter side of it) but you get the gyst....pretty boring stuff I'm sure. But.....


I thought I would come to my very active (ha!) blog and write something new. I find it very weird that my last post was about my last day at Draper Lab and I could very easily be talking about my last day here at SunGard within 6 weeks.

Anyway. Over a year has gone by since the last time I posted....our son is 5 1/2 months now, Persson Bales. He's awesome! He's just a joy to be around. I walk into the house last night and my wonderful wife is scrubbing the kitchen floor. I didn't see Persson as I was walking up the stairs - I only saw Erika. I walk into the kitchen and he's playing in his exisaucer (sp?) on the kitchen floor - having a great time. In his own little play world and as long as he knows Mama is around - he's all set.

His smile literally lights up the room - it's from ear to ear - well, for him really cheek to cheek! When he smiles big it looks as if his cheeks are on the side of his head his smile is so big! People say that he looks a lot like me which I'm not sure is a compliment or not, but the wonderful things I see in him are all from his Mama - like his smile! That's her same smile that lights up a room. Oh, and the bottom lip that's always been Erika's trademark when she's upset...Persson has taken that cute bottom lip to a new level of use - his normal facial expression has that bottom lip protruding a bit further out than his top lip whether he's happy or just chillin' or sad! It's awesome.

I must say one of the best gifts God could ever give us is the smile of a child. The smiles from your son or daughter are absolutely priceless. Persson gets so excited at times he really doesn't know what to do with himself. It's like when our dogs back home used to get frisky in cold weather. When we would be outside with the dog, she would come up to me and just stare at me. Boo Boo used to stay locked in to that stare for about 2 seconds, I'd clap my hands, and then she would shoot off like a cannon and run around the house only to come back and do the same thing again. Persson gets so excited sometimes he'll get wide eyed and tense up his whole body, bring his hands up and out to his side (as if he were about to get arrested!), his legs and back get stiff as a board, and with one outburst he lets out this wonderful and joyful scream through the biggest smile - it's awesome!

Erika is a great Mama and she's loves both her boys very much. Persson's eyes light up when she's in the room and both of their favorite things to do is to be cheek to cheek with each other. There are a couple of pics of this and they're great! Erika has had a wonderful and busy year. Buying a home, to finding out she was prego, to studying for finals and graduating from Gordon College, to working multiple jobs, being an intern for the high school ministry, to raising money for Lifebridge while working another job, going through some excruciating trials in having Persson, maternity leave, going back to work, letting go of Lifebridge, taking a job being the Associate Pastor for High School Ministry at Grace while also doing a side job for a dear friend of ours...whew, I'm tired just writing all of that. Don't know how she does it all. The Lord certainly has provided the gift of energy to her! She's such a wonderful and positive influence on my life. She puts up with a lot from this ole southern boy and I can't thank her enough for the love and effort she puts into our marriage!

Well, need to wrap this one up. As I posted at the top of the blog. I'm going to be losing my job on July 24th. Tough draw but I know the Lord has some great things in store for me and my family. Ya know the only things I'm praying for is for financial provisions, a job that provides quality of life - time enough to spend with Erika and Persson, and a challenging yet successful role within a good company. I know that's a lot to ask but we'll see. Always can pray and be hopeful!

Alright...that's it for now....gotta do some other things!

Bales out!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Last day.....

Welp....I had my last day of work in Cambridge today. It was a bit of a surreal experience actually. I'm not really sure why. I've left other jobs in my past and I guess all of them have been a bit surreal.

Driving into Cambridge for my last day today, I began to think that this might be the last time for a long time that I drive this highway at this time of the morning. This highway that has taken me to work the same way for over 5 years now. Man, 5 years I've been driving or 'training' into Cambridge for work. First at one job for 2 1/2 years and then another for the past 2 1/2 years (by the way - both jobs were such blessings - no kidding - I'm so thankful for the ways that God has decided to provide for me and since CDM for Erika as well).

Anyway, the highway. It's weird to think about this highway that gets so much traffic on it every day. So much metal on the highway at once. So much metal that carries people, human beings, God's creations into work or home each and every day (wonder actually how many cars travel that hwy in a week). Think for a minute about the lives in those cars. People who have so many different lives. Some are seeking jobs and traveling this road for the first time and some are going to jobs that they've been at for years, traveling this road for the thousandth time. Some are having a bad morning, having just left a unhealthy household, with some on top of the world because they've never been happier. Some traveling in a car that they feel very safe in, but some traveling in a car that not only do they not feel safe in but that they are praying doesn't go dead the next time they take their foot off the gas. Some who are looking forward to going to work because they have an undying passion about their job and can't wait to begin the work day, and some are going to work dreading the very thought of walking into their work place because they're facing a stressful day or they've just lost all passion for their job and could barely motivate themselves enough to get outta their bed this morning. Others, that are actually putting their make-up on and some who are weaving and bobbing in traffic hoping to get to their destination sooner (but us experienced commuters have realized that this exercise does not only not work but sometimes has the opposite result - making you further behind the others you started with). Some who are smoking and some who are eating and some who are sipping their coffee and some who are praying, like me. Some people actually get the luxery of sleeping on their commute in because they were smart enough to have a partner who drives them in (and I mean their out too man....slobbering and all) and some who are sleeping without someone else driving....yes, I once had to roll down the window to wake some guy up before he wrecked. Some, potentially like me on this day, going into work for the last time today, moving into a new season in their life.

It's just weird really looking at people, things or places on your last day of work. Things that you might not see for a short while or ever again......or maybe very very soon....who knows. The potholes in the road I travel every day that I try to avoid each and every day that will literally pop your tire. Trying to navigate the horrible portion of the road going under a bridge in Somerville that literally makes me feel like I'm riding on the corduroy dirt road going to the little league baseball fields back home in MS. Trying to get through the stressful parts of the commute such as getting off on the Sullivan exit and having to merge all the way into the right lane from the left lane of the exit during bumper to bumper traffic or just waiting on the next person to cut me off or trying to be aware of the next person to stop short while moving along at 40 mph and all of a sudden decide to let someone into traffic and making everyone behind them wreck (UGH!!!) Swiping my badge as I go into the parking garage for the last time (or will it be the last time?). Saying good bye to people that you have seen almost every day for the past 2 1/2 years that you all of a sudden after today, may never ever see again....or will you? Going into the office that I've called my own for 2 1/2 years and walking out of it and never ever going back into it. Hanging up the phone that has heard so many important conversations between my wife and I over the past couple of years and I'll never pick it up and talk through it again....maybe I'm thinking too much but that's, um, weird. Suddenly, so many things that I've grown accustomed over the past couple of years are just gone. Weird....

Sorry for the ramblings....well, no I'm not, you're choosing to read my bog :), so I'm not sorry ....these are just some thoughts.

Anyway, until next time....may the Lord help us appreciate the everyday things and not take things for granted.......

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Trying this bogging thing

Hey ya'll, just thought that since I haven't been a big blogger (yes, I know it's not truly called a 'bog') that I would try this thing out. So, drop by from time to time and see if there are any benefits from reading a few thoughts from "a good ole' Mississippi boy."